U kunt een NRF boxkoeler vinden voor uw schip van 5m tot 200m, zeegaand: Commercieel, offshore, bagger, sleepboot & berging, of visserij. Ook voor uw binnenvaartschepen: Commercieel (container, droge lading, tankers etc), cruise of havensleepboot. Met vermogens van 10kW tot 2500kW.
Outside mounting box cooler
Depending on the ship, a larger box cooler might be needed which brings up the need of an assembly form where the cooler is not installed from within the engine room but from outside of the hull. The Bottom-Build box cooler is the best solution for fully equipped engine rooms where transport of these coolers inside the engine room is not a viable option.
Our Bottom-Build box cooler is designed for easy removing out of the sea chests in case of maintenance and inspection. This can be done whilst the ship is still afloat.